Monday, December 22, 2008

CVS $25 gift card coupon in Sunday Columbus Dispatch 12/21

Full-page ad in The Columbus Dispatch on page H6 (back of the Insight section) touts that you can "get a $25 gift card with a new or transferred prescription to CVS/pharmacy."

In the fine print:
* Limit one gift card per customer per visit.

And, a bit of a twist on "new prescription" terms I haven't seen elsewhere in Rx coupons:
* Coupon only valid for prescriptions transferred from another non-CVS/pharmacy, or for new prescriptions, that have not been previously filled at any CVS/pharmacy.

It expires 1/24/09 and is "Valid in Ohio stores only."  If you didn't get a paper Sunday or need another, Giant Eagle stores keep Sunday papers in stock throughout the week until they sell out. Dollar Tree stores may also have these beyond Sunday.

Where else can you use these?
* Giant Eagle will accept ONE of THESE through 1/24/09 under their new competitor coupon acceptance limitations.  They don't advertise they take competitor coupons (signs or ads) so I don't think it's any big deal they're being a bit more picky; especially since they have no limits on accepting their own generous New/Transfer coupons for Gas Perks ($1 each).  One location, though (Hilliard), has a sign that says it will only honor 1 coupon per life of a prescription.  That may just be a certain pharmacy manager or store manager making unilateral, arbitrary restrictions.  That same location cuts out their own coupons from their weekly sales flyers and keeps them "hostage" at the customer service counter where they will only let you have one or two.

* WalMart probably (one a day probably; haven't shopped there lately)
* Meijer (one a day ... maybe one/month; haven't shopped there lately)
* Kroger (one per customer per day; ask pharmacist for details -- they should hand you a one-page list of their many restrictions; also ask how soon your "Rx Rewards" will expire (perhaps 30, 60 or 90 days vs. gift card listed in the competitor's coupon that should last at least a year if not indefinitely under Ohio law) ... and whether you can use a portion of them at a time (like with the gift card) or whether you have to use it all at once ... and whether this is different at regular checkout lane vs. self-scan checkout.

* Walgreen's
* Target

* Walgreen's (1 per person "per promotion" ... in other words, until the expiration date on coupon you used, or "per person per life" depending on which pharmacist/location you speak with)
* Kroger (same 1 per person per day limit; they might ban you from using coupons at pharmacy after a certain number according to a former employee of theirs who I spoke with; see notes above about Rx Rewards "lifespan" and "redemption" questions not clarified by any documentation I've seen lately).

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