Monday, December 27, 2010

OHIO residents: New rule starts Jan. 1, 2011 to prevent more than one Rx transfer

You can thank the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy (and those who lobbied them for the change they are putting into effect) for making a new rule effective Jan. 1, 2011 that makes it so Ohio residents can:
  • NO LONGER transfer a prescription more than ONE time.
Here's how you reach them:

Call: (614) 466-4143
TTY/TDD Ohio Relay Service: 1-800-750-0750
Fax: (614) 752-4836
William T. Winsley, Executive Director, Ohio State Board of Pharmacy
77 South High Street, Room 1702
Columbus, OH 43215-6126

Although the intent may have been two-fold by those who lobbied for this change:
  • Reduce the number of transfers of prescriptions (as encouraged by Rx coupons commonly available in competitive markets such as Columbus); and to 
  • reduce competition from stores that don't have both a NATIONAL (not just regional presence) and online, sharable, real-time prescription database.
There are many other ways people are negatively impacted.

  • ELDERLY who move to Florida or other warmer areas for the winter (after getting their prescriptions in teh summer) need to be able to transfer them TWICE -- once to move from the pharmacy most convenient to them here in Ohio and then again when Spring arrives and they return to Ohio.  Often these are NOT the same pharmacy (Kmart or Joe's Pharmacy may be most convenient here in Ohio while they use Rite Aid or some other place in Florida or Arizona or wherever).  In order to have it filled in Ohio again, they will have to have their doctor write a new prescription (which often requires they make a new visit and pay a new co-pay).  A work-around for the future would require that the elderly ask their doctor for TWO scripts for every prescription -- one to keep on file for when they come back in Spring and the other to use for the first few months and then transfer with them when they become "snowbirds."  Or else they can give in to being nudged into using the same pharmacy company in both/all locations (something with a national presence ... or at least both/all regions where they visit ... and that have the online, sharable, real-time prescription database as required in the law to allow transfers between stores of the same brand such as CVS after the first transfer is made).
  • Those who go to the pharmacy closest to their doctor/hospital at first and then move it to a pharmacy closer to their home but later in the year move location.  to a different location ... or WANT to move to another pharmacy because they're not happy at that store can NOT do so any more because of this new rule change.
  • Those who may have moved their prescription to a less-convenient location for an incentive -- such as to get a $10 gift card at Target, $30 in free gas at Giant Eagle, or $25 gift card/rewards at Kroger or CVS -- will discover they can NOT move it again after Dec. 31, 2010.  Their prescription will be stranded

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Target $10 gift card for new or transferred Rx

This week's sales flyer at Target (today is last day it will be in stores) has Rx coupon for $10 gift card.

Expires Dec. 20.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kmart: Up to $20 gift card for transfer

Kmart's sales flyer this week (available in Sunday newspaper and near customer service counter) contains an Rx coupon.

It's on the back of the short wrap-around.

Expires Nov. 30, 2010.

It says "limit one per customer;" however, most Kmart pharmacists will allow you to use more than one.  Plus, you can download from a page of 5 coupons for $20 that says they'll take up to 5 of them at once and give $5 for each one redeemed to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

These are also accepted at:
-- CVS
-- Giant Eagle
-- Kroger

Target: $10 gift card for NEW or Transferred prescription

Target's usual $10 gift card offer is in this week's sales flyer (in Sunday newspaper and available at customer service counter).

It's good for NEW prescriptions and transfers from stores other than Target.

Reminder:  Target does not limit how many prescriptions you can bring to them with coupons -- per day, week, life, etc.

These coupons are also accepted by:
-- Kmart
-- CVS
-- Giant Eagle
-- Kroger

Expires: Nov. 29, 2010.

Kroger: $25 in free groceries for transferred prescription or flu shot

A recent coupon that was in the "Bad Lady" ad bag in some areas of Columbus contained a coupon that offered something new from Kroger:

-- $25 in free groceries (not just for a transferred prescription) but also for getting a flu shot from them

These coupons were seen in the section that features Organic/Fresh Foods on front and OSU Tailgaiting on back.  Coupon usually inside back page.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Transfer for a Cause @ Kmart: $20 gift card & $5 donation to breast cancer research (up to 5 prescriptions = $100 for you & $25 for BCRF)

You can earn up to $100 (and get up to $25 donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation) by transferring prescriptions to Kmart and taking with you coupons that appear in this week's Kmart sales flyer.

For each coupon you use (up to 5), Kmart gives:
  • $20 gift card (for you)
  • $5 donation to Brest Cancer Research Foundation.

You can use up to 5 of these ... all at once ... no hassle (none of that one-per day nonsense like Kroger and Giant Eagle do ... even with their own coupons).

Expiration: Oct. 31, 2010 (for one in sales flyer this week -- in newspaper and available at store).  The ones available online below don't expire until Nov. 30, 2010.

Kmart guarantees they'll donate at least $10,000.

If you transfer 5 prescriptions and bring 5 of these coupons, that's $100 for you and $25 for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

You can print additional coupons by visiting: 
(printed coupons OK for this offer at Kmart; stores that usually take competitor coupons -- such as CVS, Giant Eagle, and Kroger -- probably will not accept printed copies of these ... as they usually don't take printed copies or "Internet"/web/email copies of any coupons ... seems reasonable, eh?)

Kroger: $25 in groceries for TRANSFER (expires Nov. 7)

Some of the ad bags this week have a Kroger Rx coupon.  It's inside the sales flyer touting "Nature's Market" and "Natural Foods and Organics" on the front and "Tailgate with Kroger" on back page.  Rx coupon is on second to last page.

Expires Nov. 7.

CVS, Giant Eagle, and Kmart also accept these (and other competitor coupons).  See for details on who takes what competitor's coupons ... and with what restrictions/hassles ... or not.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Target $10 gift card for NEW or Transferred prescription; expires 9/20

Sales flyer at Target this week features on page 17 their usual pharmacy coupon:

With each coupon, get $10 gift card for each prescription you take to Target that is new or transferred from a competitor.

Expires 9/20/2010.

Target does not set any limits -- daily, weekly, lifetime -- on number of prescriptions you buy with coupon.  You can take them 10 coupons and 10 prescriptions all in the same day and get $100 in gift cards with no hassle.

You can also use these at Giant Eagle, CVS, Kmart, and Kroger.  See limitations at .

Kroger $25 in free groceries with Rx transfer; expires Sept. 12

In the ad bag this week (Bargain Outlet on one side; Fall Home Show on the other side), Kroger has another ad featuring "Nature's Market" on the front (promoting natural foods and organics) that has a pharmacy coupon inside.

It's on the second-to-last page and says "Get $25 in FREE Food! with Coupon and purchase of a transferred and filled prescription."

Expires Sept. 12, 2010.

Certain locations listed.

Also use these at: Giant Eagle, CVS, and Kmart.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kmart Rx coupon for gift card up to $10 for NEW or Transferred prescription

Kmart's sales flyers this week feature their usual $10 coupon for purchase of a NEW or TRANSFERRED prescription.

Expires Sept. 25.

Limit one certificate per customer (but ask your pharmacist; most are more flexible than the fine print implies).  If his name is Kevin, don't waste your time asking; come back when the other, nicer guy is working. ;-)

Fine print:  It's "up to $10 gift card" based on the total cost of your prescription.  If your co-pay is $5 and the insurance company pays the other $3 of the $8 total cost, then you get an $8 gift card.

But, if your co-pay is ZERO (and it's not because it's covered by any government program) and your private insurer pays the $15 cost of the drug, then you still get the $10 full gift card amount.

You can also redeem these at:
-- Giant Eagle
-- CVS
-- Kroger

Kroger $25 Rx coupon in some ad bags again this week

The bag of ads that shows up over the weekend on most people's front door steps or near their mailboxes again had a Kroger ad that featured a $25 Rx coupon.

It appears that bags in Upper Arlington area and Worthington/Dublin area all received same coupon that is only good at certain Kroger locations:
-- Olentangy River Rd.
-- Hospital Drive
-- Powell Rd
-- Bridge St.
-- Sawmill Rd.
-- Hampstead Village Way

Also, this week's is only good for TRANSFERRED prescriptions ... NOT those that are NEW as was case for those distributed in Upper Arlington area last week.

Expires Sept. 12.

It's in the Kroger ad that again has "Nature's Market" natural foods and organics featured on front (grapes, pears, Kashi pizza, etc.) and the full page pharmacy ad on back page (green background) with coupon being the shopping bag with "Get $25 in FREE Food!" on it.

The ad bag that contains this is the one with "Kroger" ad on one side (touting 10 for $10 mix or match) and Medco employment ad at top of that side ... and, on the other side, an ad for Bargain Outlet.

These coupons are also accepted at central Ohio locations (at least) of:
-- CVS
-- Giant Eagle
-- Kmart

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Target $10 gift card with any NEW or Transferred prescription

Target's sales flyers this week have their usual Rx coupon:

"Free $10 Target GiftCard with purchase of any new or transferred prescription."

Expires 8/30/2010.

Remember:  Target does not limit how many prescriptions you bring them (new or transferred) with these coupons.  Five transfers plus two new scripts and 7 coupons = $70 in gift cards without hassle or attitude (most of the time ... unlike other places such as Kroger).

Where else can you use this?
---> CVS, Giant Eagle, Kmart, and Kroger (much attitude and restrictions often apply; see for details)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kroger: $25 in free food with NEW or Transferred Rx

In the clear bag of ads just dropped on my front porch, there's a Kroger ad with Angus beef on back and Nature's Market organic pitch on front. Inside back page is coupon for $25 on NEW or TRANSFERRED prescriptions. Expires Sept. 12. One coupon per customer. Limitations may apply (like their lifetime blacklisting on Rx coupons after 3 or 4 or so ... or banning you from all their stores for life ;-).

Reminder: CVS, Kmart & Giant Eagle accept these too.

CLARIFICATION:  I discovered that the Kroger ads in the bags are different in different parts of Columbus this week.  Those in the Bethel/Henderson area are as described above.  Those in the Dublin/Worthington area are different -- they're on the back page where the Angus was and they are ONLY good for TRANSFERS (not NEW prescriptions).

Each also lists specific locations where they are accepted.

The one for NEW or TRANSFER is good at these Kroger locations: Chambers, Henderson, Crown Plaza Dr., Cemetery Road, and Hilliard Rome Road.

The one for TRANSFER only is good at these Kroger locations: 2913 Olentangy River Road, Hospital Drive, Powell Road, W. Bridge St. (Worthington), 7625 Sawmill Rd., and Hampstead Village Way.

If you find other variations of the coupon that list other stores, please add a comment (be sure to list whether it was NEW & TRANSFERRED or just Transferred Rx that are eligible as well as the stores that are listed on the coupon).

Kroger $25 transfer without coupon ends 8/15

Kroner has had an ad on TV and on front right of Dispatch and full page ads on back of A section saying: "Transfer a prescription, get $25 free groceries."

Not certain how many you can transfer and get that reward. They banned me 2 years ago for using too many coupons. ;-)

Please add comment if you find out if it's one per day, life, whatever.

Giant Eagle will honor this couponless offer. Just mention it. As is their usual coupon policy for competitor match, Giant Eagle will accept one per day.

And they won't be snotty and rude (as Kroger often does) when you ask them to honor a coupon -- theirs or a competitors.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Target: $10 gift card with any NEW or TRANSFERRED prescription

On page 25 of this week's sales flyer (in today's newspaper and at customer service desk), there's a coupon at the bottom that says:

FREE $10 Target GiftCard with purchase of any new or transferred prescription.

Expires: 8/9/10.

Kmart: $10 gift card for NEW prescription

For second week in a row, there's a wrap-around sheet on the weekly sales flyer at Kmart.  On the back of it is the coupon that says:
"Get up to a $10 Kmart gift card with the purchase of a NEW prescription."

It was in Sunday newspapers today.  You'll also find them at entrance to most Kmarts.

The amount you get back will be equal to your co-pay (if any) plus what your insurance company pays (if anything).  For instance, a drug you pay $5 for and the insurance company pays just $3 (for total of $8), you get a gift card for $8.

For the full $10, maybe bring them the Target coupon that was also in today's newspaper. Mentioned above.

EXPIRES: 8/21/2010

Kmart: Up to $100 gift card to TRANSFER four prescriptions (up to $25 each)

At the pharmacy, checkouts, and customer service desk of Kmart, they have the little brochures that say on the outside, "Get up to $100 in Kmart gift cards" and on the inside has 4 coupons for up to $25 each when you TRANSFER a prescription from a competitor.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kmart: Up to $10 for NEW prescription; expires 8/14/2010; also up to $100 when you transfer FOUR (up to $25 each) with brochure @ checkouts

In this week's Kmart sales flyers, there's a wrap-around sheet with pharmacy coupon on the back.

It will give you up to $10 gift card.

It has their usual fine print about how, to get the full $10, your prescription needs to cost at least that much -- combination of your co-pay (if any) and the amount your insurance pays (if any).

So, if co-pay was $5 and insurance kicked in the other $3 for $8 retail drug, you get an $8 gift card.

If you pay $0 for copay on a generic where insurance pays $50, you get the full $10 gift card amount.

Expires 8/14/2010.

There seems to be an error in this ad because it says at the top "get up to $100 in Kmart gifts cards when you TRANSFER four (4) prescriptions to a Kmart Pharmacy."  Or perhaps they're referring to the brochures at Kmart checkouts that have 4 coupons for up to $25 each for a transferred prescription.

Target $10 w/new, transferred Rx; expires 7/26

Sorry.  Forgot to post this last weekend. 

Target sales flyers (in stores through Saturday, July 17 ... and in newspapers on Sunday, July 11 ... now in some recycling bins ;-) had an Rx coupon:

FREE $10 Target GiftCard with purchase of any NEW or TRANSFERRED prescription.

Remember:  Target doesn't limit how many prescriptions you bring them with a coupon; no daily/weekly limits.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Target coupons (2 weeks in a row) but different to get $10

Sorry I forgot to post about last week's coupon in the Target sales flyers.

They were the usual ones worth a $10 gift card for each NEW or TRANSFERRED prescription.

The one in this week's sales flyer (and the Sunday newspaper yesterday) is one they've used at least once before.

If you sign up a prescription for AUTO REFILL, you get $10.  Not sure if you can use that on one you already have there.  Maybe.  Or you may have to transfer one or bring a new one AND get the auto refill turned on for it.

In any case, they usually will let you use a coupon on as many different prescriptions as you want.

p.s.  The other one I forgot to mention that was in last week's sales flyers was the Kmart $10 for new/transfer.  My bad.  I usually hold out for the ones worth $20 or $25. ;-)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Kroger "coupon-less" $25 incentive to TRANSFER

In The Columbus Dispatch newspaper and in TV ads in the Columbus area recently, Kroger has promoted that if you TRANSFER a prescription to them and mention their "$25 in Rx Rewards" campaign, they will give you $25 on your Rewards card for purchase of groceries, etc.

Giant Eagle will match these (at least mine does).  Before you transfer a prescription to Giant Eagle, just ask if they'll match that "coupon-less" offer at Kroger for $25.  The new policy at Giant Eagle in the Columbus area that is now in effect is ONE COUPON PER DAY (and, of course, no coupons on FREE prescriptions -- for diabetic medications and antibiotics).

Monday, May 17, 2010

Kmart $10 gift card for NEW or TRANSFERRED Rx

Expires: 6/5/2010.

Usual Kmart Rx coupon fine print.

On back of half-page wrap-around sheet on sales flyers this week -- in stores to Saturday; in Sunday paper and some ad bags over weekend.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Safety tip: Have a PRIMARY pharmacy for all new Rx

If you do play "Rx Ping-Pong" -- transferring prescriptions from one pharmacy to another to maximize the number of times you can use Rx Coupons, please take this word of advice:

* Have a PRIMARY pharmacy -- one where you feel most comfortable, respect the pharmacists the most, and feel they are always vigilant about making sure you understand new drugs and asking about whether you're still taking something (from a year or so ago) that might badly interact with a new drug prescribed.

* Make sure ALL of your medications have been filled there at least once.

* Any time you have a NEW MEDICATION prescribed, send it to that PRIMARY or "main/home" pharmacy.


There are some dangerous interactions that can happen between some drugs.  Your own primary care doctor or specialist may not realize you are taking a drug that will badly interact with the new one they are about to give you.

The pharmacist is the LAST line of defense to protect you from this.  But if you're taking your newest drug to a pharmacy that doesn't know about all of your drugs, they may not have a RED FLAG pop up in their system to warn about this dangerous interaction.  A person can die as a result.  And this has happened at least once in Ohio.

So, be careful.  Getting a $10 or $25 gift card to help you better afford the cost of your medications is certainly not worth endangering your health.

Target coupon: $10 gift card for NEW or TRANSFERRED prescription; expires 5/24

The Rx coupon in Target's sales flyer gives you a $10 gift card for a NEW or TRANSFERRED prescription.  Expires 5/24.

It's on page 6 of the Target sales flyer for this week (available in stores through Saturday 5/15 ... and in Sunday newspapers today).

Reminder: Target has no limit on the number of NEW or TRANSFERRED prescriptions you can bring them in a given day ... and they'll let you use one of these coupons with each one.  So 6 new/transferred prescriptions can be $60 with no hassle.

Other places that will accept them:   CVS, Kmart, and Kroger.  For details on limitations/hassles using competitor coupons at some of these, see: .

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Never need to transfer ..." ends in some CVS stores

"Never?" transfer from CVS ... not forever!

The big "Never Need to Transfer ..." red banners that showed up at CVS pharmacies about a year ago are starting to disappear in some Columbus area stores this month.  And the willingness of pharmacists and clerks to honor what it claimed had been disappearing long before this month at multiple locations.

This had been a campaign to convince people not to transfer their prescriptions to competitors to use a coupon one month and then transfer it back the next month with another coupon. As an area manager explained to me, it saved pharmacists a lot of time on the phone after the prescription was originally brought to them.  They wouldn't have to be on the phone when a competitor's coupon is incentive to a customer to transfer the prescription away ... at least for a month ... and then perhaps have that same pharmacist back on the phone in a month to transfer it back for yet another coupon.

Some stores (like one on Henderson Road) no longer has that sign up and will no longer honor that (ask their new manager, Teresa, why).  But the sign is still up at other stores -- at least those located in more competitive areas or where they think it's more necessary/advantageous -- such as at the CVS near the Giant Eagle at corner of Sawmill and Bethel.  

If you're about to have CVS (that still has the "Never Need to Transfer ..." sign up at its pharmacy) refill a prescription and you have some competitor coupons, ask if they will still honor the sign behind them.   If they don't honor it anymore, I suggest you consider transferring to a competitor (perhaps the one you have a coupon for) and let them know it's because they no longer honor what they're advertising.  You might also want to ask those who still have the big red banner up but don't honor it WHY they would still advertise such a claim. If you have some righteous indignation about FALSE ADVERTISING (as I do), you might also want to ask how you can contact the pharmacy manager, store manager, and district manager to discuss this.


$10 Kmart gift card with NEW or TRANSFERRED; expires 5/15

In the Kmart sales flyer this week (that was in Sunday newspapers and in the bags of ads dropped off in some neighborhoods), there's an Rx coupon to:

"Get up to a $10 Kmart Gift Card with the purchase of a NEW or TRANSFERRED prescription."

EXPIRES: 5/15/2010

In the fine print is the usual mention that to get the full $10, the total cost of the medication -- co-pay plus what the insurance plan pays -- must be $10.  If it's less than that, then the gift card given is the total amount.  For example, if it's a $5 copay and the insurer pays the remaining $3 for the $8 cost, you get an $8 gift card.

It also says ONE per customer.  But most pharmacists at most Kmart locations I've tried are fine with honoring more than one -- if not per day, at least per week ... as is the case with taking competitor coupons there.

CVS but more locations and pharmacists will now hassle you -- using any fine print in the competitor coupon as an excuse to make good on their "We accept all competitor prescription coupons" claim.  Some pharmacists and their bosses will interpret this "one per customer" as a "once ever" limit ... or at least "once per THAT particular coupon & its expiration date from THAT competitor."  

"Never?" transfer from CVS ... not forever!
Also, don't expect to be able to use coupons at CVS for refills anymore.  The "Never Need to Transfer ..." red banners are starting to disappear in some Columbus area stores.  This had been a campaign to convince people not to transfer their prescriptions to competitors to use a coupon one month and then transfer it back the next month with another coupon.  It was started about a year ago.  But you'll see some stores (like one on Henderson Road) no longer has that sign up and will no longer honor that (ask their new manager why).  But the sign is still up closer to more scrappy competitor Giant Eagle at corner of Sawmill and Bethel.  Be sure to ask before you get a refill.  If they don't honor it anymore, transfer to a competitor and let them know it's because they no longer honor it.  You might also want to ask those who still have the big red banner up but don't honor it WHY they would still advertise such a claim.

Giant Eagle will accept one per 6 months (as noted at with no hassle.  Kroger might accept ... one at most ... and as long as you haven't already redeemed more than 4 competitor coupons in your lifetime, despite signs in their stores that say "We Gladly Accept Competitor Coupons."

Monday, April 19, 2010

Last day for Target $10 coupon (expires 4/19)

Today's the last day to use Rx coupon that was in Target sales flyer two weeks ago (sorry I forgot to mention it 2 weeks ago).

You get $10 gift card for each NEW prescription or TRANSFERRED prescription you bring them WITH a coupon (bring 2 new prescriptions and 4 transfers, bring 6 coupons! Get $60 worth of gift cards).

CVS, Giant Eagle and Kroger also take these (but you'll find strict limitations at Giant Eagle and Kroger as mentioned at ).

Monday, March 29, 2010

Kmart: $25 for each transfer (up to $100 for 4); $10 for new prescription

Kmart's sales flyers this week in Sunday's newspaper (yesterday) and in stores all week again have TWO coupons worth up to $110 in Kmart gift cards (for bringing them a total for 5 prescriptions -- 4 transfers, and 1 new script).

Receive up to $25 for each prescription you TRANSFER to Kmart.  There are four lines on the coupon; as long as total cost is $25 or more (copay plus the amount the insurance pays), you get full $25.  If it's less, the gift card is for the amount of the total (not just your copay amount).  And, you can bring 1, 2, 3, or 4 to them.  For four, the total is $100.

If you happen to have a brand NEW prescription from doctor to turn in, you can qualify for another $10 gift card.

Expiration: 4/17.

Want to use them elsewhere?  CVS is best place to take them.  Strict limitations apply at Giant Eagle and Kroger -- see .

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kmart has 2 coupons: One for up to $100 and other for $10

Both coupons are good through 3/27/2010.  These are in sales flyers in stores this week (and that were in the newspaper on Sunday).

First one gives up to $100 in Kmart gift cards for transferred prescriptions.  Value of prescription needs to be a total of $25 or more to get full $25 per prescription.

This includes co-pay and whatever the insurance pays combined.  If total is less, they'll still give you gift card for whatever the total cost was (with $5 copay and $12 paid by insurance, the total is $17 and that's what they'll give you as gift card).

The second coupon is for NEW prescription.  It's worth up to $10.  Same calculation for maximum value as just described.

Target $10 gift card with NEW or TRANSFERRED Rx

Usual Target coupon for $10 gift card with new or transferred prescription.  These are in sales flyers in stores this week (and that were in the newspaper on Sunday).

Expires: 3/22/10

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Giant Eagle (Lancaster, Ohio): Earn up to $30 in free fuel with each new/transferred Rx

Giant Eagle in Lancaster (Ohio) has a coupon in the sales flyer that is online now and will be showing up in the store on Thursday (March 4).

For EACH *NEW* or *TRANSFERRED* prescription you take them with a coupon, you earn $1 in Giant Eagle FuelPerks. Each $1 in FuelPerks is worth up to $30 in free or discounted gas. For example, $2.50 in FuelPerks would earn you a free fill up (up to 30 gallons) right now. Not only do you earn points for the coupons but also for all grocery purchases and the amounts you pay as co-pays. For each $50 you spend, you earn 20 cents in FuelPerks. And they're good for at least 90 days.

Expires 3/24/10.

The sales flyer should be in the store through next Wednesday (March 10).

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Target's new Rx coupon requires sign up for AUTO REFILL

This week's Target sales flyer includes a coupon (on page 18) that says:

FREE $10 Target GiftCard
* With purchase of prescription and
* Sign up for auto refill

Expires 3/15/2010.

Not valid for medications not eligible for auto refill (such as "controlled substances" -- sleeping pills, etc.).

Not clear whether this requires NEW or TRANSFERRED prescription (as it just says "purchase of prescription") so perhaps a REFILL at same location will be OK as long as you sign up for AUTO REFILL. Ask your Target pharmacist. The fine print DOES say, though, that TRANSFERS from other Targets don't qualify. But maybe they were just copying their usual fine print and not thinking about how this new twist with the auto refill and the impact of the rewording of "purchase of new or transferred prescription" to simply "purchase of a prescription."

If you use them at a store that takes competitor coupons, they probably won't notice and will just give you a $10 gift card regardless whether you sign up for auto refill. For list of those who take competitor coupons see: .

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Target $10 gift card for each NEW or TRANSFERRED prescription

Target is great about taking their own coupons with no hassle and no limitation. As long as you have a separate coupon for each prescription you bring them (new or transferred), they'll gladly give you a $10 gift card.

Coupon is in their sales flyer this week that was in Sunday papers today and available at their customer service desk through Saturday.

EXPIRES: 3-1-2010

WHERE ELSE CAN YOU USE THESE? CVS, Kmart, Giant Eagle (one competitor coupon per 6 months); Kroger (1 per day until they tell you have used up your lifetime quota).

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kmart: Up to $100 gift card; $25 on each of up to 4 Rx transfers; expires 4/10

In addition to the ad included in their sales flyer two weekends ago, Kmart has new Pharmacy brochures at their stores that feature FOUR (4) coupons -- each that will give you up to a $25 gift card for transfer of a prescription to Kmart.

These are available at some of the checkout counters at Kmart on Bethel Road in Columbus. You might also ask for one at Pharmacy counter.

EXPIRES: 4/10/2010

LIMITATIONS: Four per day/week depending on pharmacist. Some are less/more picky about how many you can use per day/week.

Also, fine print on back stipulates that amount added to gift card will not be more than total price paid for prescription (co-pay, if any, PLUS the amount billed to insurance). Therefore, if you pay $5 and the insurance pays $15, you get $20 gift card. But if you pay $10 and the insurance pays $15 or more, you get the full $25 gift card. Your co-pay can be ZERO and you can still get the full $25 gift card as long as the insurance company is paying $25 or more for your prescription.

WHERE ELSE CAN YOU USE? CVS, Giant Eagle, and Kroger. CVS is the best place to go. They have no limitations at this time on accepting competitor coupons (at least in Central Ohio) and even accept them on refills (not just new/transferred prescriptions). Giant Eagle has ONE PER 6 MONTHS limitation on competitor coupons right now; Kroger for the past few years has been accepting just ONE per day ... and, more sadly, banning customers from using any Rx coupons for life after they think they've used too many. Ask for a copy of their competitor coupon policy (as they promised Better Business Bureau they would provide upon demand after consumer complaint).

Kroger $20 Rx coupon for transfer; in BAG; expires 3/27 (use at CVS, Kmart, Giant Eagle)

In the bag that arrived on my front door step today, there's a special Kroger ad that says "Kroger Pharmacy: Your Center for Health Living" on front of the 4-page ad. On the back page is a coupon that says: "Get $20 in free groceries when you transfer your prescription to Kroger!" You need to take that coupon along with your KrogerPlus card and a prescription to transfer from a non-Kroger pharmacy to redeem.

EXPIRES: 3/27/10

LIMITATIONS: Limit (1) one per household.
Kroger also limits the number of Rx coupons that can be used at their pharmacy on a "lifetime" level in the Great Lakes region that includes Columbus, Cleveland, and Detroit. At some point, they can tell you they will no longer accept any Rx coupons from you -- those from competitors or even those they issue. This happened to a friend of mine.

But you can take these to CVS, Kmart, or Giant Eagle. They accept competitor coupons. Keep in mind that Giant Eagle currently has a one per 6 month limit on competitor coupons.

My recommendation: Get the coupon and take it to CVS. In Central Ohio, CVS will even let you use competitor coupons on refills. So you won't have to keep transferring your prescription to use coupons like this.

FINDING THIS COUPON: There are lots of "bags" out there. This one was delivered today (2/13) in the Upper Arlington area of Columbus. Sometimes these special Kroger pharmacy ads with coupons are not included in the bags in ALL zipcodes/circulation areas of town when they come out. This particular bag has "TheBagLady" at top above and logo. One side has big ad for Save a Lot (and coupon for free gallon of milk). The other side has big ad for Bargain Outlet.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tips from "Grocery Coupon Guide" blog re: Rx coupons

Read tips from "Grocery Coupon Guide" blog about "Pharmacy Coupon Rewards" and how to find them ... as well as tips about asking doctor for NEW prescriptions more often (vs. one a year with lots of refills) as many of the coupons require purchase to be NEW if you want to avoid having to do the "Rx Ping-Pong" game of transferring your prescriptions from one pharmacy to another and then back to be "transfer eligible." (as described at

Also, they have another story about finding Prescription Drug Rx Coupons" issued by drug manufacturing companies. Some offer a significant discount on your co-pay (50%). There's a list in the story. They also point to a longer list of some that are available.

The story mentions that some of these are obtainable by asking your doctor, pharmacist, or visiting the website of the manufacturer of the medication.

Target $10 gift card with NEW or Transferred Rx, Expires 1/25/20101, no limits on #

Target sales flyers this week (in today's newspaper and available at customer service desk of stores until Saturday) contain a coupon that's worth:

$10 gift card with any NEW or Transferred prescription.

NO LIMITS on NUMBER of new/transferred prescriptions you can take to them ... make sure you have a coupon for each one. And, as it says on coupon, of course: "Limit one coupon per prescription." But if you take them 7 prescriptions (perhaps 5 transfers from some other chain plus 2 new scripts) and you bring 7 coupons, then they'll honor giving you $70 in gift cards. At least they've never hassled me whatsoever in that regard. In fact, they've consistently been the best about taking their own Rx coupons ... and not imposing ever-changing and often arbitrary restrictive policies (one per day, one per household, one per 6 months, one per transaction, or 3 to 4 per life). Thanks, Target! :-)

EXPIRES: 1/25/2010.

FINE PRINT: Just the "Limit one coupon per prescription and usual stuff about not valid with transfers from other Target locations and that they can't honor in states where illegal or where meds are paid for by government-subsidized plans."

WHERE ELSE CAN YOU USE THESE? CVS, Kmart, Kroger and Giant Eagle. Details about which pharmacies accept COMPETITOR coupons and with what policies/restrictions listed at

Kmart $10 gift card with NEW or Transferred Rx

Kmart sales flyers that came out today (in newspapers and available in rack at front of stores) have a wrap-around that sports on the front of it an Rx coupon.

For both NEW and Transferred prescriptions, you can use these to get a $10 gift card.

EXPIRES: 1/30/2010

LIMITATIONS: Says "Limit one certificate per customer;" however, most locations/pharmacists will let you use one per day/week ... especially if some of the drugs you're bringing them are $80 copays with your insurance paying the other $240 of that $320 drug.

FINE PRINT: "Gift card amount shall equal the amount paid for the prescription (co-pay plus amount billed to insurance).
---> So, if your co-pay is only $4 but you're buying a drug that costs $10 (or more) and the insurance is paying the rest, you still get the full $10 gift card. If co-pay is $5 and insurance is only having to pay another $1 on a $6 drug, you get a $6 gift card.

WHERE ELSE CAN YOU USE THESE? CVS, Giant Eagle, and Kroger. Details about which pharmacies accept COMPETITOR coupons and with what policies/restrictions listed at

Kroger $20 in groceries for transferred Rx, 1 per household

A 6-page Kroger Pharmacy flyer that says on the front "New Year, New You!" and "Find your Center for healthy living" was included in "The Bag" delivered last weekend. On the back page is an Rx coupon that says:

"Get $20 in free groceries when you transfer your prescription to Kroger!"

It also says: Bring this offer, along with your KrogerPlus card, to your local Kroger Pharmacy to redeem.

LIMITATIONS: "Limit (1) one per household.

EXPIRES: 1/30/2010

FINE PRINT: "No change given" ... which might mean that you need to use the full $20 credit all at once.

WHERE ELSE CAN YOU USE THESE? CVS, Kmart and Giant Eagle. Details about which pharmacies accept COMPETITOR coupons and with what policies/restrictions listed at