This week's coupon expires July 8, 2009.
I verified in person they are available at the Giant Eagle closest to where I live -- the "Upper Arlington" location (at Sawmill and Bethel). If they're out at the door, ask at service counter.
You can look at to find location(s) closest to you and click on "View Weekly Specials" and then flip to page 16 to see if there's a coupon showing. Recently, I've noticed some discrepancies between whether the coupon shows online and whether it was on flyer in store. Sorry about that.
Also, keep in mind that other pharmacies will accept these: CVS will give you about $20 gift card (not good for pharmacy co-pays), Kroger will give you $30 Rx Rewards (at least a few times; I've heard they ban some people from redeeming pharmacy coupons there after some limit ... if not ban you from their store completely).
There's a matrix/table of who takes what (and who has certain limitations and hassles) when it comes to taking competitor coupons. I need to update a few things on that chart:
* Giant Eagle no longer has limitations (at least in Central Ohio) on number of a certain competitor's coupon they take. They used to limit it to ONE per coupon apperance (for example if Target had one expiring in June and another expiring in August, you could use one of each or two total during that time but need to wait for one expiring later than August to use a third). Thankfully, they got rid of that policy a few months ago. But it was the same time that CVS started honoring coupons of competitors every month (no transfer necessary; they wanted to keep you there). However, at least some locations have gotten more selective about HOW MANY of certain competitor's coupons they will take in a given time period ...
* CVS (at least certain locations in Central Ohio where the "No need to transfer to use a competitor's coupon here; just get a refill and use it" -- my wording) recently began to LIMIT some coupon acceptance. Walgreen's coupons (because Walgreen's will only honor 1 of their own every 6 months) are now only accepted by CVS once every 6 months ... or ONE per transaction ... or ONE per whatever ... depending on which of their pharmacists/managers/locations you check with. Too confusing/annoying for me: So I just take my Walgreen's coupons to Giant Eagle now. And instead of getting refills at CVS every month as I had been for several months (no Rx Ping Pong required), I've transferred most of my Rx to their competitors now. Besides, there's only so much merchandise at CVS I want/need to buy with gift cards when they insist on not allowing the gift cards to be used for co-pays (as they sometimes do).
Here's what the back page of sales flyers with the coupon look like this week:

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